How to Automate Zoho Books to Chargebee for Seamless Payment Status Updates

Learn how to automate Zoho Books to Chargebee for effortless payment status updates, enhancing operational efficiency and customer satisfaction.

Team Constant
September 12, 2023
Team Constant
Team Constant
September 12, 2023
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Imagine a scenario where your team is handling both Zoho Books for accounting management and Chargebee for subscription billing. 

Have there been times when a customer pays you directly via a wire transfer and not through Chargebee? If so, how is the payment status then updated on Chargebee?

And think about the frustrated customer you've had to address because they've received payment reminders despite having settled their dues.

These aren't just minor inconveniences or occasional glitches. They signify significant operational challenges that can weaken trust and negatively impact your brand's image.

Every time a manual intervention is required to update payment status, there's a window of opportunity for errors to creep in. 

Whether it's due to human oversight, system mismatches, or sheer volume, these errors can lead to a ripple effect of complications. 

In this blog post, we'll delve deeper into why it's essential to automate Zoho Books to Chargebee for payment status updates. Integrating these platforms is not just a good-to-have but a crucial move for businesses aiming for operational efficiency, accuracy, and superior customer satisfaction.

The Pain Points of Manual Payment Status Updates

For AR teams, managing payment status updates between accounting tools like Zoho Books and billing platforms like Chargebee is presented with challenges.

When customers use payment methods such as ACH/bank transfers, which are not integrated with Chargebee, it necessitates manual intervention. 

Because these external payments don't auto-populate in Chargebee, the AR team has to manually update them.

If these updates get missed, Chargebee continues to send automated dunning reminders to the customers, even though the payment has already been made. 

As transaction volumes grow, the likelihood of missing a status update also rises.

Such errors can be a source of inconvenience; they hint at organizational inefficiencies, risking the delicately established rapport between the business and its customers.

In today's digital age, where word-of-mouth is influential, a single error can be detrimental. 

Negative experiences get shared quickly, risking brand reputation. Beyond ensuring flawless transactions, it's pivotal to continually nurture trust with customers.

Streamlining Payment Status Updates: The Zoho Books to Chargebee Integration

Modern businesses require smooth, seamless, and efficient workflows, especially when dealing with financial transactions. 

The challenges associated with manual updates between Zoho Books and Chargebee underscore the necessity for a system that effortlessly communicates between platforms. 

Constant, with its automation workflow, bridges this gap, ensuring accuracy and timeliness in payment status updates.

Here's a breakdown of the workflow:

Trigger-based Initiation:

When there's a transaction linked to an ACH/bank transfer in Zoho Books, Constant's workflow gets activated.

Setting the Conditions:

Before proceeding to the next step, Constant verifies a couple of key details:

It checks if the chosen payment method in Zoho Books was ACH/bank transfer.

Alternatively, it checks if the payment status of the invoice has been manually marked as paid.

Decisive Action:

Once the conditions are met:

If the payment was indeed made via ACH/bank transfer, Constant communicates with Chargebee to automatically set the corresponding invoice to 'Paid' status.

If another payment method is identified, no changes are made in Chargebee, ensuring data integrity and relevance.

The Outcome:

By automating this crucial process, Constant reduces the instances of manual oversight. As soon as the payment is confirmed in Zoho Books, Chargebee's automated reminders recognize the payment, disabling any further payment prompts. 

This mechanism not only ensures the accuracy of data across platforms but also enhances the efficiency of the accounting process.

How Constant Streamlines Payment Status Updates

Eliminating Manual Interventions

No longer does the AR team need to remember to manually update each payment in Chargebee when it's marked as paid in Zoho Books. 

Constant's integration does this automatically, allowing the team to focus on more strategic tasks.

Minimizing Dunning Reminders

With Constant's automated flow, the chances of a customer receiving dunning payment reminders are significantly reduced. This directly enhances the customer experience and minimizes frustrations associated with redundant payment prompts.

Efficiency and Accuracy

The Constant-Zoho-Chargebee integration ensures real-time updates between systems, leading to consistent data. This removes the risk of potential errors stemming from manual data entry and ensures accurate financial records.

In a business landscape where customer experience is paramount and operational efficiency is a priority, Constant's workflow solution offers a timely answer. 

For enterprises aiming to maintain a streamlined and error-free payment update process, integrating Constant's automation between Zoho Books and Chargebee proves to be a game-changer.


Seamless communication and streamlined operations have become the cornerstone of successful businesses in today's digital era. 

When platforms like Zoho Books and Chargebee operate in silos, the potential for miscommunication and errors escalates. 

The repercussions of manual updates and the possibility of human error showcase the need for better integrative solutions.

Constant's advanced automation capabilities address these challenges head-on, streamlining manual, repetitive tasks into workflows and ensuring real-time visibility into data. 

This ensures financial operations are not only efficient but also makes the process more collaborative.

By embracing Constant's workflow automation, businesses can efficiently manage their accounting and eliminate tedious manual tasks. 

Looking to optimize your payment update process? Book a demo with Constant today to experience enhanced operational efficiency.

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