7 Ways to Collect Accounts Receivable and Improve Cash Flow

Optimize accounts receivable collection with seven key strategies. Improve cash flow through automation, consistent processes, and personalized communication.

Team Constant
May 18, 2024
Team Constant
Team Constant
May 18, 2024
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Are you struggling to collect accounts receivable efficiently and keep your cash flow healthy? You’re not alone. Many businesses face challenges in managing accounts receivable, with delayed payments being a significant issue. 

In the United States, 39% of invoices are paid late, and businesses lose approximately 51.9% of the value of their B2B receivables that are not paid within 90 days of the due date​.

Late payments continue to be a major challenge, particularly for small and medium-sized enterprises, due to rising inflation and interest rates​.

In this blog post, we’ll explore seven essential strategies to help you collect accounts receivable more effectively. 

From leveraging automation and offering flexible payment options to improving customer communication and managing credit risk, these proven methods can streamline your collection processes and enhance your financial stability.

The Importance of Accounts Receivable Collection for Cash Flow

Accounts receivable (AR) collection is vital for maintaining healthy cash flow and financial stability. It involves collecting payments owed by customers for goods or services provided on credit. Effective AR management ensures liquidity and supports daily operations and growth.

Key challenges in AR collection include late payments, incorrect invoicing, and economic uncertainty. 

Late payments can disrupt cash flow and increase borrowing costs, with businesses in the Americas losing 51.9% of the value of receivables not paid within 90 days​.

Additionally, 61% of late payments are due to compliance or administrative issues, such as incorrect invoices​​. 

Economic events, like the COVID-19 pandemic, have heightened credit risks, making timely payments more challenging​​.

By addressing these challenges and implementing effective strategies, businesses can optimize their AR processes and enhance their financial performance. 

Strategies to Improve AR Collection

Overdue invoices can be a costly and time-consuming problem for your business. Collecting payments is important, but having a streamlined process for managing collections is equally crucial to prevent it from consuming your team’s time.

An efficient collections process can help maintain good client relationships, improve your business’s cash flow, and reduce time-intensive tasks like chasing receivables. 

Here are seven key strategies to enhance your accounts receivable (AR) collection:

1. Systemize Invoicing and Payment

Before taking action on late payments, ensure customers receive their invoices and have clear, easy ways to pay. 

Electronic billing and payment options like credit cards or ACH streamline this process and prevent errors. Automating invoicing ensures customers receive bills promptly, reducing payment delays.

Automating your invoicing process can greatly improve efficiency. With software solutions like QuickBooks or Xero, you can send invoices immediately after services are delivered. 

This promptness ensures that customers are aware of their obligations and are prepared to settle them without delay. 

These tools can help avoid common invoicing errors, such as incorrect amounts or missing details, which can lead to payment disputes and delays.

This method also makes it easier to track and follow up on invoices. Offering various payment options caters to different customer preferences, making it more convenient for them to pay on time.

2. Develop a Consistent Collections Strategy

Review and systematize your collections strategy to ensure consistency. Focus on actions with the most impact, such as addressing the most overdue invoices first. 

Avoid waiting for a perfect strategy before starting; prioritize big overdue accounts and refine your process over time.

A systematic approach involves setting clear policies and procedures for collections. 

For example, define when to send reminders, when to escalate to phone calls, and when to consider legal action. 

Segmenting your customers based on their payment behavior can also help tailor your strategy. High-value clients may require more personalized follow-ups, while smaller accounts could be managed with automated reminders.

Consistent communication is key. Regularly update your customers about their outstanding balances and any upcoming deadlines. 

Use personalized messages to address specific issues and maintain a professional yet empathetic tone. 

With Constant, you can set up automated workflows to send reminders and follow-ups at predefined intervals, ensuring timely communications with your customers. 

Initial reminders can be automated to go out shortly after the due date, with more personalized follow-ups occurring as time progresses. 

Ensure your team has clear guidelines on how to handle different types of clients and overdue accounts. This approach not only improves collection rates but also ensures that your team is always on the same page.

3. Personalize Customer Experience

Avoid over-automation, which can annoy customers. Use tools that save internal time while personalizing workflows. 

Personalized communications can address non-payment causes and keep client relationships strong. 

For instance, resolving billing issues or offering alternative payment methods can enhance the payment process.

Personalizing the customer experience involves understanding the unique challenges each customer faces. 

For example, if a customer is consistently late due to cash flow problems, offer them flexible payment plans. 

Constant's AR Automation allows for behavioral segmentation, enabling you to tailor your outreach based on customer payment behaviors. This personalized approach can significantly improve payment likelihood and customer relationships.

A personalized approach can turn collections into a collaborative effort, where the customer feels supported rather than pressured.

4. Align Cross-Department Collaboration in AR Collections

Ensure that your accounts receivable process involves more than just the AR team. 

Collaborate with all client-facing teams, including sales and finance, to ensure consistent communication. This alignment helps optimize collections and provides a clear picture of the client’s experience.

Training your team on the importance of collections and how it impacts the business’s financial health is crucial. 

Make sure everyone understands that collecting payments is not just a support function but a vital part of maintaining strong client relationships and a healthy cash flow.

Use centralized systems to keep all teams informed about the status of outstanding invoices and any actions taken. 

Regular meetings between these teams can help identify potential issues early and develop strategies to address them. 

Using Constant’s integrated AR software that provides a centralized view of all customer interactions and payment statuses can facilitate this collaboration. 

This holistic approach ensures that everyone is working towards the same goal and that your customers receive consistent and effective communication regarding their payments.

Related Read: Achieving a Win-Win for Sales and Finance Teams with Chargebee and Slack Integration

5. Prioritize Collection Efforts

Prioritize accounts based on client balances rather than individual invoices. Use key AR metrics like aging reports and average payment delays to identify delinquent accounts. This helps focus efforts on the most significant accounts, improving the efficiency of collections.

Analyzing your AR data can help segment customers into different priority levels. 

For example, customers with high balances or long overdue payments should be contacted first. Use aging reports to identify accounts that are becoming increasingly overdue and prioritize them accordingly.

Metrics like the average payment delay can highlight customers who consistently pay late. 

For these customers, consider implementing stricter payment terms or requiring upfront payments. Regularly reviewing these metrics can help adjust your strategy and focus on the most critical accounts.

With Constant’s AR Dashboard, you can get real-time insights into outstanding balances, overdue invoices, and upcoming due dates​​. 

By using these insights, you can prioritize your follow-up efforts on accounts that have the most significant impact on your cash flow. This strategic focus ensures that your team’s efforts are directed where they will yield the highest returns.

6. Offer Discounts and Payment Installments

Encourage timely payments by offering early-payment discounts or payment installments for clients with cash flow issues. 

Upfront yearly payments can also reduce the number of invoices processed. Exercise caution with payment installments to avoid customers postponing payments indefinitely.

Offering discounts for early payments can incentivize customers to settle their invoices sooner. For example, a small percentage discount for payments made within 10 days can significantly improve your cash flow. 

For customers struggling with cash flow, consider offering installment plans that allow them to pay in smaller, more manageable amounts.

However, it's important to set clear terms and conditions for these arrangements to avoid misunderstandings. 

Ensure that both parties agree on the payment schedule and any penalties for missed payments. This approach not only helps in collecting overdue payments but also builds goodwill with customers by showing flexibility.

7. Boost Cash Flow with Invoice Factoring

Invoice factoring can be an effective solution to improve cash flow and manage accounts receivable more efficiently. 

This financial transaction involves selling your invoices to a third-party factoring company at a discount, allowing you to receive immediate cash.

Invoice factoring is particularly useful for businesses that need to manage cash flow gaps caused by slow-paying customers. 

By selling your accounts receivable to a factoring company, you can quickly convert unpaid invoices into working capital without waiting for customers to pay. 

This immediate access to funds can help cover operating expenses, invest in growth opportunities, and reduce the need for additional borrowing.

When considering invoice factoring, it’s important to choose a reputable factoring company. 

Look for one that offers competitive rates, transparent terms, and excellent customer service. Additionally, ensure that the factoring arrangement aligns with your business needs and financial goals.

For a detailed guide on how invoice factoring works and its benefits, check out this blog post. It provides comprehensive insights into how invoice factoring can streamline your AR process and improve your cash flow management.

Closing Thoughts

Implementing effective strategies for accounts receivable (AR) collection is crucial for maintaining a healthy cash flow and ensuring the financial stability of your business. 

From streamlining invoicing and offering flexible payment options to prioritizing collections and leveraging invoice factoring, these methods can significantly enhance your AR processes.

By adopting automation tools and personalized communication strategies, businesses can reduce the time spent on manual collections and improve overall efficiency. 

With Constant AR Automation, businesses can get real-time insights into outstanding invoices, overdue payments, and customer interactions, helping you stay on top of your collections effortlessly​​. 

Plus, Constant’s workflow automation capabilities ensure seamless integration with your existing accounting and CRM tools, reducing errors and enhancing operational efficiency​​.

Ready to take your accounts receivable management to the next level? Book a demo with Constant today and discover how our solutions can help you enhance your AR processes and improve your cash flow.

Frequently Asked Questions
What are the key challenges in accounts receivable collection?
How can automation improve the accounts receivable collection process?
Why is it important to personalize customer communication in AR collections?
What are the benefits of offering early-payment discounts and payment installments?
How does invoice factoring help improve cash flow?