How to Save $1.5 Million per Year by Automating Your Subscription Metrics Measurement

Explore the drawbacks of manual subscription metrics measurement and the transformative power of automation with Constant.

Team Constant
August 11, 2023
Team Constant
Team Constant
August 11, 2023
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Did you know the study by McKinsey found that businesses that automate their subscription management save an average of $1.5 million per year?

This includes a savings of $200,000 per year on manual labor costs. The study also found that businesses that automate their subscription management can save an average of 10 hours per week per employee.

Imagine manually crunching subscription metrics for your business – tracking active subscribers, renewals, and churn rate. After hours of effort, you find a mismatch between active subscribers and renewals. Inaccurate metrics could jeopardize decisions. 

So, you opt to automate tracking, revolutionizing decision-making, reducing costs, and boosting business success. Learn how automation transforms subscription metrics in this blog.

In this blog, we will delve into the transformative power of automation for subscription metrics, exploring how it can revolutionize decision-making, reduce costs, and enhance overall business success. 

What are the benefits of automating subscription metrics?

Imagine you're running a subscription-based service with thousands of customers. How do you know if your business is thriving or stumbling? 

Subscription metrics provide the answer. You gain insights into customer behavior and overall performance by tracking key data points like customer churn rate, average revenue per user, and customer lifetime value. With this knowledge, you can make data-driven decisions leading to growth and success.

In this high-stakes meeting, SAAS metrics become more than just numbers on a screen – they become stories. The story of customer acquisition costs and the efficiency of your marketing campaigns. 

The story of churn rate and the journey you're taking to ensure customer satisfaction and loyalty. The story of customer lifetime value, reveals the long-term relationship you're building with your clients.

As you present these metrics, you notice the investors leaning in, intrigued by the narratives behind the numbers. They understand that SAAS metrics aren't just black and white but shades of opportunity and growth.

According to a study by the Aberdeen Group, organizations that embrace automation in measuring their subscription metrics unlock significant benefits. Not only do they save an average of 15% on invoice processing costs, but they also enjoy a 20% lower risk of payment errors.

Automation has become a game-changer in today's fast-paced business landscape, driving efficiency and accuracy across various operations. 

Let's step into the world of a bustling office to understand the pain points of manual calculation and integrate it with other tools.

What are the pain points in measuring Subscription metrics?

1. Manual calculations

IDC reports show employees spend 10 hours a week manually tracking subscription metrics.

As the team diligently crunches subscription metrics manually, they encounter several challenging pain points that can hinder their effectiveness and hinder the success of their subscription management process.

  1. Inaccuracy: Manual calculation opens the door to potential inaccuracies in the final results despite their best efforts. Typos and human errors can sneak into the data entry process, leading to distorted metrics and unreliable insights. These inaccuracies may misguide decision-making and compromise the overall accuracy of the subscription performance analysis.
  1. No Real-Time Data: The absence of real-time data is a significant drawback of manual measurement. As the team painstakingly enters data into spreadsheets, they face delays in obtaining up-to-date metrics.

    This lack of immediate access to critical information hampers the ability to identify emerging trends, promptly address issues, and capitalize on growth opportunities. Without real-time insights, businesses may miss valuable chances to optimize subscription offerings and adapt to changing market conditions.
  1. Time-Consuming: Manual measurement of subscription metrics is a time-consuming endeavor. The team invests substantial hours in data entry and analysis, leaving them with limited time for more strategic tasks.

    The mounting workload can lead to inefficiencies and hinder the team's ability to stay agile and responsive to evolving business needs.
  1. Prone to Errors: The manual nature of calculation introduces a higher risk of errors. Amid the complexity of subscription metrics, miscalculations can easily occur, especially when dealing with numerous data points and intricate formulas. These errors undermine the reliability of the metrics, potentially leading to suboptimal decisions and missed opportunities for improvement.
  1. Resource Strain: The manual measurement process can place significant strain on the team's resources. With an increasing workload and limited capacity, the team may struggle to keep up with manual data entry and analysis demands. This strain on resources can affect overall productivity and hinder the team's ability to focus on value-added tasks.

2. Other tool dependencies

Companies have relied on diverse specialized tools to streamline their operations in the dynamic digital landscape of the modern business world.

Each tool serves a critical function, from billing and customer support to analytics. However, the real challenge emerges when these tools need to collaborate harmoniously.

Attempting to integrate data from these disparate tools can feel like solving an intricate puzzle, where the pieces simply refuse to fit together. It's akin to trying to fit square pegs into round holes, resulting in a cumbersome and frustrating process.

The lack of a unified view significantly hinders the team's ability to gain comprehensive insights into their business's performance. Instead of a cohesive understanding, they are left with fragmented and disconnected pieces of information.

Utilize Constant to overcome challenges.

The limitations of manual calculation and fragmented tool integration become increasingly evident in both scenarios. 

Manual calculation not only consumes valuable time but also introduces the risk of errors, compromising the accuracy of decision-making. On the other hand, the lack of seamless tool integration hampers the team's ability to access a comprehensive view of the business's performance, hindering their capacity to make data-driven decisions effectively.

To overcome these challenges, businesses can turn to comprehensive and integrated solutions like Constant. The number provides accurate SaaS metrics from various connectors such as Stripe and Chargebee.

By addressing the pain points associated with manual calculation and fragmented tool integration, Constant allows businesses to optimize their operations and enhance their overall performance.  

Book a demo with Constant and eradicate manual errors while real-time data insights ensure timely decision-making. 

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